थ्वथें: ज्यागु रसं— Song by Ranajit Malla
Parting Notes — Ranajit Malla’s Farewell Song
थ्वथें: ज्यागु रसं गबलय सं दई मखु: राम म हा: जी गने वने: (२)
गने वने गन च्वने: सुयाऊ भरे च्वने: दैव:
दैव या भरे च्वने: जी:त तरे मजु रे दैव:
राम हा जी गनेवने
माम मदु: बुवा मदु: सुयागु भरे च्वने दैव:
जवे स्व:सा दाजु मदु ख: वे स्वसा किजा मदु:
जी: पापी अभागी गन:वना सि:रे दैव: राम हा जि गन वने
त पुखु: न पुखु स्वय ध:का न्या जन्म कया दैव:
चण्डाल म खें: या मचां: जालं केईका स्या त रे दैव
राम हा जि गन वने
न्याता पोल स्व: य ध:का बखुं जन्म कया दैव:
चण्डाल म खें: या मचां: टुं:बं केका स्या:त रे दैव:
राम हा जी गन वने
ल्होसिं:खेले ल्होसिं थ:न चु:पीं गाले म्व:ला: ल्हुया
व यां च्वय भैरव दर्शन याय प्रभु राम हा जी गन वने थ्वं:थे ज्यागु रसं गबलय सं
दई मखु: राम म हा: जी गने वने:
— Music lyrics derived from Khwopako Pachichan II published by Bhaktapur Municipality.
Ranajit Malla (1722–1769) was the last Malla ruler of the Kingdom of Bhaktapur. When Prithvi Narayan Shah took over Bhaktapur, Malla was given several options as Shah’s ritual father (mitabā). However, he refuses to remain a puppet and leaves for Banaras despite his unhappiness.
As a proud king with a history of independent rule over Bhaktapur, Ranajit Malla expressed his feelings towards Nepal through a musical piece he composed in Raga form before his departure. This literary piece served as a medium for him to express his grief, and it is believed that he sang it while resting at the chautari at Chandragiri Hill. The music was dominated by the rasa, known as karuna.
This music is commonly known as the Biska Jatra song. It is sung when the Bhairavnath Chariot is stuck somewhere during the festival and is at a standstill, not being pulled from any other direction in a tug-of-war.
Read more about the detailed research writing done by Ramesh K. Dhungel under Anguished Cry of a Defeated Ruler: A Raga Song Composed by Ranajit Malla.